
Congratulations to undergraduates Wu Zongyu and Xie Haoqiang for their work in transmission Raman spectroscopy

l  The Chun-Tsung program initiated by Wu Zongyu was recommended to Peking University for a visit and communication.

The Chun-Tsung program "The detection of deep-seated Tumors in Live Small Animals Using Transmission Raman Spectroscopy in Near Infrared Region I", initiated by Wu Zongyu, was recommended to Peking University for a visit and communication. The program has been approved as the first place of the category in the communication review (blind review). A high-level paper has been published and the program has been recommended to visit Peking University for communication recently. This project is supervised by Prof. Jian Ye.


(P.S. The project name has been slightly adjusted)

l  Undergraduates Xie Haoqiang and Wu Zongyu's program was awarded as " National Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program".

The program "Detection and depth prediction of multiple lesions in thick tissue based on Transmission Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy", established by Xie Haoqiang and with Wu Zongyu’s participation, was successfully completed and awarded as one of the "National Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program" in 2023. The program focuses on the further application of transmission Raman spectroscopy to the three-dimensional localization of lesions. A paper is completed and is under review. This project is supervised by Prof. Li Lin.

Ye Research Group     CopyRight ©2017     Shanghai jiao ICP preparation 20180045